Developing Strong and Innovative Startups and SMEs

Solo Techno Incubator is an intermediary institution that carries out the incubation process for incubation participants


About Us


To become a superior, independent and sustainable business, technology and entrepreneurial development incubator center in producing strong and competitive technology-based start-up companies in 2034


  • Integrate/intermediate the potential of local resources, namely: Academics, Business Institutions, Government Institutions, and Communities (A, B, G, C)
  • Encouraging the development of technology-based SMEs/SMIs, startups by conducting business incubation through technical and non-technical assistance
  • Develop business and entrepreneurial networks to support startup companies

This Is Our Programs That Can Be Followed

Join our incubation program and find the support you need to accelerate your business growth. SMESKA.png

Non-digital startup training program, the output of this program that made teams capable of end-to-end processes (production, branding, marketing, digitization, & packaging) also sets the team focus on business achievement areas. Solocorn.png

Solocorn is a talent development program in the field of Digital StartUp, consisting of Hustler (Business), Hacker (Programmer), and Hipster (UI/UX Design) with outputs where there are digital talent and startups in the angel round or speed round phase.

SHINE or Solo Hub Integrated Networking Ecosystem for development, discussion and collaboration between multi-sectoral business for Solo Raya We are an intermediation institution that conducts incubation processes against incubation participants (tenants).

Facilities That Will Be Obtained

Our facilities are designed to increase productivity and facilitate collaboration between incubation participants, with meeting rooms, open areas and access to the best resources.

facilites image
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    Training for Startup & SMESs (Incubator Section)

    Capacity Building through Entrepreneurship Training for Business Incubators for Beginners in Business Development.

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    Research & Development

    We are tasked with facilitating research and development of innovative and quality products, from identifying market needs to launching.

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    Increasing Brand Awareness through a Sustainable Marketing Strategy with a Multichannel Approach.

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    Increasing Legal Compliance through Risk Management and Protection of Intellectual Property Rights to Secure Business and Prepare for Business Legality Audits.

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    Business Matching

    Maximizing opportunities for business growth and expansion through strategic partnerships and targeted networking initiatives.

Some Event That Are Ready To Be Presented For You

We host events featuring prominent business leaders and investors, providing opportunities for incubation participants to network and learn from the experts.

Next Young Entrepreneur Competition

Next Young Entrepreneur Competition


dateNovember 8, 2023
Next Young Entrepreneur

Next Young Entrepreneur

Program Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa UNISRI

dateSeptember 18, 2023
SoloBridge - Menjembatani Digitalisasi UMKM

SoloBridge - Menjembatani Digitalisasi UMKM

Kolaborasi antara Solo Techno Incubator Bersama Bank Mandiri dan Kampus UMKM Shopee

dateOctober 11, 2023
Pengenalan Solo Techno Incubator

Pengenalan Solo Techno Incubator

Bekerja sama dengan berbagai entitas, mulai dari perusahaan teknologi hingga pemerintah,

dateMay 20, 2023

Mentor With High Competence

We offer mentors who are experienced and the best in their fields, assisting incubation participants in developing business strategies and overcoming challenges.

This Is Our Best Team

Our team assists incubation participants in building strong business networks, from introducing them to investors to connecting them with potential business partners.

Our Partners

We work with partners to build a strong business ecosystem, introduce incubation participants to new business partners and assist partners in finding new business opportunities.


Our Tenants

We create a collaborative and inclusive environment, providing opportunities for incubation participants to collaborate, share ideas and experiences, and build strong business networks.

This Is The Best Product We Have

We provide access to the latest technology and infrastructure resources, helping incubators to develop their products more efficiently and effectively

Community Solotechno Incubator

We provide a forum for incubators and partners to share knowledge and resources, providing opportunities for them to learn from each other and expand their business network.

Group Community Solotechno Incubator

We provide a forum for incubators and partners to share knowledge and resources, providing opportunities for them to learn from each other and expand their business network.

More News and Information

We provide the latest news from the business world, providing incubation participants and partners with the latest information on trends and innovations in their industry.

IBT Itu Apa Sih..?
April 18, 2023

IBT Itu Apa Sih..?

Apa itu Bisnis Startup?
April 18, 2023

Apa itu Bisnis Startup?

Kalahkan Pandemi dengan Ide dan Peluang Usaha
April 18, 2023

Kalahkan Pandemi dengan Ide dan Peluang Usaha