Programs That We Will Open
Kami adalah lembaga intermediasi yang melakukan proses inkubasi terhadap peserta inkubasi (tenant).

Solocorn comes from the words Solo and Unicorn, that where you learn about digital startups. Starting from zero to understanding, from not knowing until you really know how to start your startup to become an independent company.
Solocorn is a talent development program in the field of Digital StartUp consisting of Hustler [Business], Hacker [Programmer], and Hipster [Design UI/UX] with the output being digital talent and startups in the angel round or speed round phase.
We are an intermediary institution that carries out the incubation process for incubation participants (tenants). Incubation participants (tenants) will go through a selection period as a stage that must be passed before they officially become members of the incubation program.

Solocorn comes from the words Solo and Unicorn, that where you learn about digital startups. Starting from zero to understanding, from not knowing until you really know how to start your startup to become an independent company.
Solocorn is a talent development program in the field of Digital StartUp consisting of Hustler [Business], Hacker [Programmer], and Hipster [Design UI/UX] with the output being digital talent and startups in the angel round or speed round phase.
We are an intermediary institution that carries out the incubation process for incubation participants (tenants). Incubation participants (tenants) will go through a selection period as a stage that must be passed before they officially become members of the incubation program.
Solotechno Incubator Program Level Stages
Pra Inkubasi
Merupakan suatu proses pembinaan, pendampingan, dan pengembangan yang diberikan oleh inkubator bisnis kepada peserta inkubasi (tenant).
Merupakan suatu proses pembinaan, pendampingan, dan pengembangan yang diberikan oleh inkubator bisnis kepada peserta inkubasi (tenant).
Pasca Inkubasi
Merupakan suatu proses pembinaan, pendampingan, dan pengembangan yang diberikan oleh inkubator bisnis kepada peserta inkubasi (tenant).